Monday, December 9, 2013

LEGISLATION TO PUSH: Renewable Energy Standards Act 2013

A letter not sent yet:

"Dear Public Representative,

Please count more than cash….and invest in your own childrens’ future wisely by investing in a cleaner, more renewable energy economy to harvest the free energy from nature that our carbon-based energy infrastructure has ignored for 150 years… transition from that dirty energy system to a clean, renewable economy that will lift all up to the positive.….up to a more productive, critical ecological economy, a more logical economy that will lift All 100% up to the positive now and generations from now……..wisdom and vision and intellect impossible to count in cash.

If we divest from carbon fossil fuels, dirty energy….. and invest in clean, renewable energy use, infrastructure, a “smart grid,” production, education, research, innovation, we also invest in a powerful economic engine that will power our world now and generations from now cleanly of, by, for All 100% smiling….including your own children.

Amazing fact:  The sun alone could power all our energy needs on earth x 11, 000….  

We need to harvest that free energy of the sun and other renewables (such as wind, geothermal, biofuels, hydrogen, hydrological, gravity, imagination) to play freely….instead of mopping up dead bodies after megastorms ……deadly storms such as Haiyan caused by skyrocketing temperatures of earth’s atmosphere through the last 150 years of industrialization and urbanization and destruction of carbon-absorptive forests, wetlands, prairies…….caused by cashflow floods for only 1%.

Please act immediately to move the Renewable Electricity Standards Act of 2013 out of committee in both the U.S. House and Senate, onto the floor and out the door to the many….. .to free our children from the curse we have caused in the last century of deadly dependency and addiction to dirty fossilized energy, carbon emissions that have caused carbon levels to hit 400 parts per million in the first time in human history, baking and drowning earth, causing megastorms, the largest to ever hit land.   That is not “economics”….

Our dependency and addictions to carbon fuels with "all the above" technologies is dangerous because a) hydraulic fracking that pumps toxic water through geologic layers with little control (impossible to control or predict) destroys both private and community health, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" for too many communities in America  for numerous reasons such as (including but not limited to) a1) destroys drinking water aquifers for entire continental regions, a2) causes destructive/deadly earthquakes, destroying lives and health and communities, a3) causes destructive/deadly sinkholes into caverns contaminated with toxic brine that have consumed entire neighborhoods where underground caverns/caves/wells are used to store toxic brines for the petroleum industry at taxpayer expense, a4) threatens our democratic, free, open government founded by our US Constitution and Declaration of Independence as Reaganomic privatization, deregulation and cost-shifting onto the unsuspecting has shifted sovereignty for our self-government from individuals, families and communities to corporate, CEO bank account control that assume erroneously that they "own" entire communities, states, nations….at taxpayer expense…and as Dick Cheney made it illegal for corporations to release the types of toxics that were being released into communities, even for public health and safety reasons.... a4) releases toxics that have caused tails to fall off of cows and other public and private health costs and consequences very difficult to prevent because of the fascist destruction of rights to self-determination and safe, affordable access to critical flows of information and resources to protect the private and public self in America….in an America where private corporations and corporate CEOs have more rights to destroy communities than infants.

You found the courage to challenge the lies of the tobacco industry and America has found new life and health and happiness because of your bravery to stand up to tyranny.

Gather the courage now to protect your own childrens’ futures from those that limit their counts to privatized, immediate, obvious cash of the fossilized energy industry more than their own childrens’ futures.  Thanks.  

You have the power to change the course of history from a deadly downward tailspin ….and as a world leader to guide our transition from a tailspin downward into a more positive course upwards toward light and productivity where All 100% can find safe, affordable access to a more productive future to produce more abundant riches of the earth for All to share freely…….to enable every seed, seedling, soil to reach up toward light enough to grow to full genetic potential to lift All 100% up to the positive…to pull millions, billions out of poverty globally.

America has led before. 

America can lead again and we must.   Please hop on board to help us save our children and futures from our selves.   Thanks so much:

Our methods of paying for healthcare will likely become meaningless if we do not address the cause of rapidly escalating levels of carbon molecules in our common atmosphere that all of us know are causing our climate to grow more and more unstable as molecules become more active in a hotter and unpredictable environment:  

Skyrocketing levels of carbon (Cx measured as CO2 units) have hit 400 ppm (in addition to other pollutants) …causing earth’s temperatures to rise almost 2 degrees Celsius since the beginning of the industrial revolution….400 ppm the highest in human history in several million years, causing changes in entire earth systems impossible to count in human cash…..causing more and more frequent and massive megastorms exponentially through time including Sandy and Haiyan, the strongest storm ever to hit land….causing rising seas that are already erasing islands from the South Pacific, engulfed in terror….causing a shipping route to open through the Arctic for the first time in human history, threatening Polar Bears with extinction……causing costs, consequences, pain of more and more frequent and intense destruction of monster storms that continue to wash away entire communities of many lives in only a few waves…..

James Hansen of NASA has warned US that an escalation of temperature of just 2 degrees centigrade would cause earth to become “another planet”…..seas rising about 200 feet, unimaginable megastorms….megafloods, megadroughts, mass migrations never before seen in human history…..but George Bush Junior and Dick Cheney hid that report….

The U.S. Pentagon warned in 2004 that climate heating is no doubt a national security threat….but George Bush Junior and Dick Cheney hid that report. 

Our U.S. media has focused more time on waistlines and turkey basters than on the carbon emissions that are destroying our human civilization.   Why? 

We cannot afford those that stand in the way of the critical transition from fossil carbon fuels to cleaner, more renewable energy economies that will free us from our selves.

We have already caused an escalation of 0.8 degrees C and have released enough greenhouse gases (primarily Cx) to cause another 0.8 degree rise in temperature… our nation and world have absolutely no time to battle those that value private, immediate, obvious cash bank accounts more than their own childrens’ futures.

Temperatures at the poles are rising much faster than the more temperate lands.

We need action now immediately asap yesterday.

Climate talks failed in Warsaw, probably because the carbonized industry stood in the way of action.

We cannot afford for the cash-driven fossil energy industry to block the critical flows of information and resources that we as a nation and world need to change the course of history from a deadly tailspin downward into a more positive course upwards toward light, to the positive…..enough to count in cash.

We cannot afford to ignore these costs and consequences any longer.   Prevention pays…..and we need to invest our precious resources in prevention instead of knee-jerk reactions based on ignorance and greed.

We cannot afford those that value deadly cash-flow floods more than their own childrens' futures.

But humans can act to reverse these changes……..if we act immediately together as a winning team…..  at least reduce emissions to less deadly levels by investing in a massive, global transition to renewable energy economies that will redefine the word "economy"….

We do not have another planet to drive to….though some act as if they would spend humanity’s assets to finance the escape of only 1%.

The word root, "eco-" means "house" or "oikos" in Greek, but not every house nurtures those within.   Cash-driven houses that count only cash crush and destroy those within, forcing the many to go to war to get what they think they need….while destroying, crushing the critical (green) producers of nature that they need to produce the critical flows such as air, O2, H2O, soil, food, shelter to keep humans alive day to day and minute to minute.   Self-destruction is not very smart or logical, but our cash system of human cities has forced us to go to war for centuries.

War and self-destruction is not our only option.   We have the  logical opportunity to change the course of history from negatives downward into a more positive course upwards toward light for all, where nature can grow all critical flows to satisfy basic critical needs of all living organisms, plants and animals now and generations from now.

Oil barons and war profiteers will just need to learn to adapt…..and to help to invest in renewable technologies with their expertise in energy production and distribution to:

·      make the transition from fossil carbon-based energy to a more renewable energy economy with a “smart grid” for those on the sunny side of earth can share energy with those on the dark side and visa versa daily
·      help to protect our natural systems of natural capital that protect and buffer our cities from storms and degradation, from disintegration, from devaluation
·      invest in integrity of the fragile but critical, hidden but essential web for all life that humans need to produce abundant riches of the earth for all to share, critical flows impossible to count in cash
·      balance nature’s budget to balance our own……balance private with public with lifeweb….balance short-term with long-term with infinite……balance obvious with complex and difficult to see and understand with mysteries impossible to understand in human terms (such as amazing ironies of life)
·      count more than cash…..and value the invaluable, the priceless (such as nature’s wonders) impossible to count in cash
·      honor and respect the right of nature’s life and land and earth systems (impossible to count in cash) to produce critical flows and producers to supply hungry human cities…….and reimburse nature by protecting those critical but undervalued natural ecological economic capital:   A real capitalist does not destroy the natural capital that capitalist needs to survive

Critical potentials of nature to produce critical flows hide far beyond the privatized, immediate, obvious private, piratized spheres of harsh, everyday urban lives of the simple, easy, cheap, quick of urban walls and barriers and stackable and inflexible boxes of structures that fall.  

Humans need to reach far beyond the obvious, immediate, private walls and barriers of urban walls to discover nature's amazing wonders that inspire.   For example, the spider's web is stronger than human-made steel unit per unit….and the miracles continue in scientific literacy for those brave enough to discover the unknown, to change, to adapt to change and discover the need to change enough to succeed in more than cash.

Please listen to real climate scientists (IPCC, 2013) and others who have warned us about the catastrophic links between carbon levels in our atmosphere and unimaginable heating of our climate, causing more and more frequent and intense superstorms, rising seas, cataclysmic destruction of entire populations and densely populated urban areas, national security nightmares, disintegration of the orders of our ancient public infrastructure foundations such as civil government as chaos consumes us, causing unbearable pain for so many, including your own childrens' future, as our human civilization unravels…

We can't afford those that spend millions, billions of dollars to discredit scientists who have warned us about the deadly costs and consequences of carbon pollutants in our common atmosphere for decades…..

We cannot afford those that stand in the way of legislation and initiatives that All 100% need to lower carbon levels enough to protect our own childrens' futures.

We can't blame G_d for human carbon emissions that have caused earth to bake and drown.  This is an emergency and we need to act, to pass legislative and incentives to change the course of history.

We need all hands on deck, both public and private sectors asap, now, immediately, yesterday to help prevent climate catastrophes….instead of mopping up dead bodies.     God will help us then.

We need the coal, nuclear risk, oil, gas industries to help with expertise and resources to change the course of history, please, thanks! 

Thank you to industries, CEOs and civic leaders of vision who have already invested in technologies and infrastructures of vision to help to change the course of history from negative tailspins to a more positive course upwards for All.

We need scientific literacy, vision, wisdom, nature’s amazing logic and genius impossible to count in cash to find a safer course for the many into an uncertain future… protect our own childrens' futures from our selves.

Fact:  Causes do cause consequences and costs…and we cannot blame G_d for unprecedented human carbon emissions and heating of the last 150 years of industrialization, urbanization and destruction of carbon-absorbing lands…for the destruction of critical natural systems such as virgin forests and wetlands and prairies of deep, rich soils and natural ecological economies that humans do need to produce critical flows such as air, O2, H2O, soil, soil makers, food, shelter for humans in cities to consume…..

Prevention pays…..and nature’s production of positives fills hungry voids of the negative. 

But nature will grow back if we protect those hidden genetic potentials and logic of life and land of the wild.

We cannot afford the cash-driven destruction of scientific literacy of, by, for privatized profiteering…as the Koch brothers and others have spent millions, billions of dollars to confuse the unsuspecting about links between carbon emissions and catastrophic changes in our common climate.   We need the cash-driven fossil fuel industry to love their neighbor and help with this critical transition to renewables now asap immediately yesterday please thanks.

This is a financial decision…..a refusal to transition to renewables causing financial ruin for many……investing in renewable energy use, infrastructure, dreams returning many more positive dividends for All now and generations from now…including your own children….a common future impossible to count in cash….

Count more than cash, more than the private, more than the short term, more than the obvious….to protect your own childrens’ futures from our selves.


Holly M. Berkowitz
Iowa City, Iowa

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