The Legal, Linguistic, Logical Evidence
Has Become Overwhelming as a Fact Now that:
America’s Great Energy Industries, Utilities, Cities
Can Lead U.S. to
Climate Carbon Levels
To Lower
Climate Carbon Levels
Of Dangerous Greenhouse Gases/GHG
Primarily carbon dioxide as CO2
CO2 Of by for CxyzLOG*$&%#$*(
Dangerous Climate Carbon Emissions
Causing Higher
Climate Carbon Levels
Climate Carbon Levels
To reach 400 parts per million in 2013
On a remote island
Caused by
Proud, Patriotic
Fossil Fuel Combustion
Stealthly in the
Last 150 years of Our Ambitious but Blinded, Bloody
Industrial Revolution
Of by for Urban Sprawl & Oil Wars
Emitting, Farting,
Explosive Greenhouse Gases/GHG
Primarily As CO2 and CxyzLOG%*#)_&%*#
For the last 150 years of Our Own
Human “Industrial Revolution” to
Keep America Addicted to Fossil Fuel Combustion &
As If None Would Notice
The Outcomes Consuming US
But a Digging Nose has Learned that
America’s Energy Industries,
America’s Utilities,
America’s Cities,
America’s Governments
Could Easily
Clear the Air
By 2030/2050
To End/Reduce/Minimize &
Even Reverse Our
6th Extinction/Anthropocene
that Humans have Caused
for the last 150 years Blinded….
To Lower Our
Climate Carbon Levels
Enough to
Keep “Global Warming” to
Below 1.5 degrees C/2.0 degrees C
(Below 1.5/2.0 degrees C since the beginning of our
“Industrial Revolution” of the last 150 years….)
That means that humans need to act immediately as much
as possible to
Lower climate carbon levels of greenhouse gases,
Primarily carbon dioxide as CO2 and CxyzLOG#*$#()*(@
that heat air, lands, oceans
…without having the luxury of deciding not to act..
America needs to act immediately enough to reduce
heating and even cool our air/lands/oceans enough to slow/minimize/reduce both
climate carbon
and also
to reduce
2) rates
of climate heating
as soon as possible….
enough to minimize/slow/stop/reverse
our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene
as soon as possible now…
Some claim blindly that they do not see
As the blinded lead the blind into the ditch…
America has fewer than only 5% of the world’s
population, yet consumes more than 25 % of the world’s fossil fuels (US EPA,
1976), America addicted to fossil fuels as an alcoholic becomes addicted to
alcohol….with the same pathetic “denial” of by for orgasmic follies…..meaning
that America therefore produces a large part of carbon emissions causing
“global warming” for all.
We do not have the luxury of waiting for policy or
fossil fuel representatives in the US House so-called “Science Committee” or
other nations to act.
Ironically, some of the “reddest” Republican/GOP
states and regions are leading the way to 100% Renewable Energy. Why?
Ironically, some of the largest and most successful
American private corporations are leading the way to 100% Renewable
Energy. Why?
Good businessmen and good businesswomen know that
harvesting free, infinite, immediate 100% Renewable Energy 1) slashes operating
costs of any system…2) cleans up human messes and ….3) powers positive outcome
production and productivity of by for lifting all up to positives now and
generations from now.
Yet, fossil fuel industries have bought my US
Government in Washington D.C. to block safe, affordable access to critical
public flows of critical public information such as scientific literacy…..and
also to block safe, affordable public access to critical public resources such
as $ that America needs to produce enough to consume enough, to consume enough
to produce enough to succeed or prosper or “profit” in any definition.
Most all nations of the world have spoken and are
ready to act to reduce global climate carbon emissions and also reduce climate
carbon levels enough to keep global heating to less than 1.5 degrees C/2.0
degrees C (COP21 2015)…….to less than 350 parts per million or less
(, ) …...and America needs to
act now to lower levels of deadly climate carbons as CO2 and also
CxyzLOG$(*%&($#)(*&_ also…
America needs to
Stop crushing the ability of nature’s hidden but
critical genetic potentials, genius, logic in every living cell, seed,
seedling, soil, self, whole living system, eco+system, eco+logical economy,
logical eco+nomy enough to produce enough critical flows of by for life to
consume, to filter, to process, each needing light, energy, air o2 water h2o
topsoil soil+makers to grow green enough to grow countable food and shelter to
keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute…generation to
generation…obvious to one private self now or not….countable in private cash
now or not….to stop causing hell on earth….to
stop blaming my god for outcomes of human actions……enough to grow heaven
on earth instead….
.to produce a more positive future for our own
children/families, our own nation, our own private selves.
Real Americans need to act now with logic and caring enough
* leave dinosaurs and erroneous/dangerous
assumptions/lies in the ground
achieve 100%
Renewable Energy & *grow green absorbent watersheds to absorb climate carbons
enough as soon as possible…to lower climate carbon levels to safer levels to
end our extinction… change the course of our history…..
By 2030/2050
To Clear the Air to
Minimize Extinction/Stabilize whole earth systems
enough to
Minimize our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene
To Stop Causing Hell on Earth Enough…
To stop crushing nature’s abilities in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil,
self to reach up toward light of our sun to
Challenge negative forces enough
To crack concrete enough
To reach up and grow upwards toward light to
produce abundant
riches to count in human terms of numbers or logic
produce critical
but uncountable flows and cycles and productivity of by for life, light, air
o2, water h2o, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers enough to grow green
absorbent watersheds enough to grow countable food and shelter to keep human
cities alive day to day andminute to minute….obvious or not, counted in cash or
stop causing hell on earth enough
To Grow Heaven On Earth Instead
To Stop Crushing the Ability of Nature’s Fragile But
Critical Living Cells, Seeds, Seedlings, Soils, Selves, Whole Living
Systems/Ecosystems/Eco+Logical Eco+nomics to reach up toward light of our sun
enough to produce abundant riches and also to produce critical but uncountable
flows and cycles and positive productivity of by for life, light of our sun,
energy/synergy, air cycles o2, water cycles h2o, rich organic topsoil and
soil+makers production and productivity enough to grow green photosynthesis
enough to grow green absorbent watersheds to prevent flooding and drought and
deserts enough to grow countable food and shelter enough to keep human cities
alive day to day and minute to minute…..
But some just don’t get it….and limit their counts to
mechanical rates of private cash numbers in only one private bank account now
of by for only one private self/point of view now… our expense now and
generartions from now…..blaming my god erroneously for the Climate911/6th
Extinction/Anthropocene that fossil fuel industries & addictions have
caused in the last 150 years of fossil fuel combustion for
industrialization/urbanization that has crushed nature’s abilities to clean up
our worlds, to produce green absorbent watersheds enough to prevent extinction.
Be it Resolved that America Work As A Winning Team
To Nurture Life Enough to
Balance Nature’s Budget of Critical Flow Productivity
enough to
Balance Human Budgets Consuming Deadly Cashflow Floods
of the Negative….
Enough to Keep
Private, Public, LifeWeb Worlds Alive
as Both Private & Public Sectors to Make America
& Earth Great Again of by for All 100%,
Now & Generations From Now & Beyond
Private/ShortTerm/Obvious/CashDriven Worlds +
Life’s fragile but critical, infinitely intricate and
vast web of critical but hidden living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves,
whole living systems inalieanbele impossible to count in cash that hide far
from the obvious/immediate/private worlds of private selves
1. To Leave Dinosaurs in the Ground At All Costs +
2. Redefine our
word “eco+nomic” as more than mechanical rates of private cashflow floods that
crush life on earth…but also to value the invaluable, the priceless, the
critical flows and cycles and productivity of life and logic impossible to
count in cash…to leave the dinosaurs in the ground….enough to
3. Harvest Free, Infinite 100% Renewable Energy 100%
Doable by 2030 (IRENA 2016) or before, by 2050 (; Jacobson; Stanford
2015) or before ….100% Doable by 2030/2050 If America helps…..
4. To Grow Absorbent Green Watersheds
To Absorb Costly Climate Carbon +
To Lower Climate Carbon/GHG Levels
To Reduce Climate & Ocean & Land Heating &
Chaos, & Also
To Convert Deadly Climate Carbon Negatives of
Explosive Costs/Risks/Financial Liabilities into
Exponential Positive Living Carbon Financial
Asset/Productivity/Positive But Uncountable Outcomes for Generations/Positive
Growth/Profit/Net Gains/ Returns, to Nurture & Nourish Life and
5. Convert harsh impermeable heat islands to
absorbent, green/photosynthetic watersheds
To Produce Atmospheric/Climate Oxygen as O2, as
Fragile O=O, Breathable Oxygen and Green Leaves/Habitats to Filter & Cool Air,
Water and Habitats
To Increase Rates of Cooling (Smithsonian 2017)
6. to Lower Climate Carbon Levels of Fossil Fuel
Combustion Enough to Enable Nature to Grow Upwards Enough to Produce Absorbent
Green Watersheds to Activate Hidden Genetic Potentials of Animals, Plants,
Biogeochemical Flows & Cycles & Productivity that Activate Hidden
Genetic Potenials enough to Grow 1) Abundnat Positive Outcomes/Productivity and
also to produce 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, productivity enough
to convert deadly climate carbons to critical living carbons more and more
exponential rates…to increase rates of conversion of climate carbon liabilities
into living carbon assets, obvious or not, counted in cash or not….to stop
causing hell one grow heaven on earth instead
7. Stop the
Cash-driven Biblical Lies of the last 40 of Reaganomics of
privatization/segregation/crushing of public worlds for $, deregulation of our
Rule of Law we need to protect the innocent of by for $, deadly cost-shifting
of explosive deadly risks and costs onto the many unsuspecting of by for
private $ lprofiteering…at our expense….of by for filling private bank accounts
of by for onely one private self of fossil fuel industry of by for only one
obvious now….at public expense, crushing life on earth..
8. Lower climate carbon levels to under 350 parts per
million at least ( ) to
9) Keep “Global Warming”/heating
To Less than 1.5 degrees C/2 degrees C
Since the Beginning of Human’s Industrial Revolution
more than 150 Years Ago
To Meet the Paris Climate Summit of 2015
COP21 Goals
By 2030/2050
10) for US to Win
To Stop/End/Reduce/Reverse Our Own
Climate911/6th Extinction/Anthropocene
11) To Just End the Lies
Virtual Illusion & Mirage,
Biblical Lies Fed by
Millions, Billions of Taxpayer Dollars,
Taxpayer Subsidies, Corporate Tax Cuts
Just End the Lies Engineered to
Keep America Addicted to Deadly Fossil Fuel Follies
Climate Carbon Emissions for
Higher & Higher Climate Carbon Levels
Blinding US
Blocking US
Obstructing Safe Affordable Access for US
To Safe Affordable Critical Flows of
Light, Air Cycles O2, Water Cycles H2O,
Life, Living Cells Filtering O2 H2O Food Enough,
Harsh Particulates of
Choking US
Killing US
For the Last 150 years
Of By For Malignant Wars of by for Fossil Fuel
The Bloodiest Century
in Human History
Causing Their Own Climate911,
6th Extinction/Anthropocene
Causing Privatized Cash Profiteering
For a Cash-driven Fossil Fuel Industry
By Destroying Earth’s Critcial Productivity and
Ability to Clean Up Human Messes….
Biblical Privatizied Cashflow Floods
Of By For Fewer than Only 1%
Cost-Shifting Private Bank Accounts
Of by for Fewer than only 1%....
At Our Public Expense
Dragged on for Decades of Despair,
Suffering, Want, Pain,
Desperate Needs Unmet
Crush Their Own Children’s Futures
Their Own Nation’s Future,
Their Own Private Future Stupidly.
12) To Stop Blaming My God for Climate Heating/Hell
Caused by Human Industrial Revolution of the last 150 years/
Fossil Fuel Addictions/ Combustion/Pollution/Obstruction
and Contamination of Critcial Flows & Cycles Of By For Keeping Living
Systems Functional, Cell or Self or Nation or Globe/Climate Carbon and
CxyzLOG#$#(*&#*_( Emissions/Urban Sprawl of the Last 150 Years….Enough
Reach Far Beyond the Obvious
Nullifying Critical but Uncountable Values of Nature’s
Rich, Productive History
Nature’s life of infinitely intricate and vast
productivity of riches uncountable in human terms…that we need to
Heal a broken world enough
To fill in hungry voids of the negagtive enough
To lift all up to light enough to laugh with wisdom
Vision, wisdom, scientific literacy enough to care far
beyond the obvious….
To Grow Heaven on Earth Instead
Now & Generations From Now & More
By Holly M. Berkowitz
B.A., Linguistics,
R.H.I.T. Health Information Management
April 6, 2017
Iowa City, Iowa
America knows how to lead.
America’s great energy
industries, great natural resources & potentials, great public-private utilities,
great cities & great governments have led before …. & can lead now
again to cause lower global climate carbon levels, to reduce dangerous climate
carbon levels that threaten to push America and our economy down.
America can learn to count
more than rates of private cash enough to value positive outcomes also
enough….to leave the dinosaurs and erroneous assumptions in the ground…
slash climate carbon emissions….to lower levels of rogue explosive climate
carbon costs that hurt us (COP21, IPCC, Hansen, Powell, 2015).
America can harvest free,
infinite 100% Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage instead…. enough to satisfy
all energy demands by 2030 (IRENA, 2016), by 2050 (, Jacobson, Stanford
2015) or slash climate carbon emissions ....if America helps.
America can grow absorbent,
green, photosynthetic watersheds, heaven on earth to absorb climate carbons
too…to convert deadly, costly, rogue, financial liabilities of artificial
climate carbons into safer, critical, financial assets of living carbons
instead….. such as wood, green leaves, organic topsoil to absorb dangerous
climate carbons such as carbon monoxide (NIH,
) and carbon dioxide ( )……
to convert deadly climate carbons of burned fossil fuels into critical living
carbons to grow heaven on earth instead, to clean our air and water.
Climate leaders such as Lou
Licht and Jerry Schnoor have helped to convert costly climate carbons into
valuable, critical living carbons of wood, leaves, soil that filter
agricultural runoff, filter air and grow in value through time to lower climate
carbon levels to reduce our nation’s climate heating, baking, drowning costs…..even
to produce oxygen as O2 enough to cool our climate (Ecolotree, 2006; Schnoor
& Licht 1989;Smithsonian 2017) in time.
Human cities have burnt
fossil fuel carbons causing dirty climate carbon emissions for more than 150
years ….to cause dangerous climate heating, baking, drowning impacts on our
news broadcasts regularly, shocking many……though no one wants to admit that
they caused the climate heating, baking, drowning…O.K. as long as we all help
to change the course of history…to lower levels of climate carbons in earth’s thin,
fragile atmosphere……as deadly climate carbon levels of CO2 ó CxyzLOG%&*(#*$ et. al. have escalated to more
than 400 parts per million on a remote island in 2013….[1]
causing “global warming” + catastrophic extremes of “climate change”…..climate heating,
baking, drowning that have hit regular extremes in the last decade of rapidly melting
polar ice & permafrost causing rising seas already threatening to flood
islands in the South Pacific, New York and Florida in the US…flooding, drowning
eventually many low lying cities globally, while some ignore the warnings to
fill private bank accounts with private cashflow floods of private profit, digging
for and burning of dead, deadly fossil fuels, tarsands the “dirtiest fuel on
the planet” (McKibben; Rolling Stone;
), drilling, mining and hydraulic fracking causing earthquakes,
landslides, sinkholes consuming neighborhoods, toxic plagues, contamination of
continenetal aquifers impossible to “clean up” skyrocketing levels of methane/ CH4/
NG/ ”natural gas” a powerful greenhouse gas heating earth that is not “natural”
when causing Climate911/ our 6th Extinction/Anthropocene of almost
50% of species on earth with greenhouse gases/GHG CO2 and CxyzLog*#_#$*#(, heating, baking, drowning, frying our oceans,
causing ocean acidification destroying shells and life, causing epic megastorms
& costs uncountable such as Sandy and Haiyan, the most powerful storms to
ever hit land in human history, too many
dirty fossil fuel “spills” and wars, spills impossible to “clean up” ….dirty
tars and slime and surfactants turning our oceans & earth from blue to
black in the last 40 years (NASA, NOAA,, 2007 to 2017), when a
layer of oil only one molecule thick can destroy plankton of our oceans that we
need to produce more than 50% of the oxygen in our common atmosphere that
animals on earth need to breathe day to day and minute to minute…toxic
industries using my air and water as a sewer assuming erroneously that I won’t
notice while my lungs and guts and cells suffer and die…ripping apart our
fragile web for all life we need to hold our whole living earth intact, rogue deadly
climate carbons crushing and blocking nature’s fragile but critical genetic
potentials, genius, flows cycles through every living cell, seed, seedling,
soil that humans need to produce enough critical but uncountable flows &
cycles & productivity of by for life to grow upwards toward light of our
sun enough to produce enough, critical but uncountable flows & filters and
whole functional systems of by for producing enough to consume enough, to
consume enough to produce enough uncountable flows and cycles of by for life, light,
energy, air, o2, water, h2o, topsoil to grow green to grow countable food and
shelter to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute…. climate
baking and drowning ripping apart the fragile but critical hidden genetic
potentials/genius in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole
living system/ecosystem of more logical economics that humans need to produce
critical flows & cycles of by for life to produce enough to consume enough,
to consume enough to produce enough to keep human cities alive day to day and
minute to minute….
America can win with smarter,
greener cities if we …
1) leave the dinosaurs and
erroneous assumptions in the ground enough to
2) harvest free, infinite
100% Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage to power all of our needs, all of
our world’s energy needs 100% doable by 2030 (IRENA 2016), by 2050 (, MZ
Jacobson, Stanford 2015)…or before…if America’s energy industry & utilities
help to lift US up….and to
3) convert deadly costly climate
carbons into …….positive potentials of living carbons instead…. To convert financial liabilities/explosive
costs/risks caused by fossil fuel combustion
causing rogue toxic/deadly climate carbons costing us too much……to turn deadly
climate carbons into living, green, growing carbons as financial assets of by
for producing life’s positive outcomes now and generations from now instead, cleaning
up our common air and water, growing heaven for us instead…..3a) to convert
deadly climate carbons of dying, impermeable, dysfunctional, consumptive, broken,
toxic heat island wastelands/deserts of extremes.. …. into more productive,
cooling, buffering, green, growing, absorbent watersheds producing living
carbons such as wood, green leaves, photosynthesis producing O2 to cool us,
rich organic topsoil to absorb climate carbons instead, into functional, green,
healthy, productive, absorbent watersheds of by for growing nature’s amazing genius,
to produce photosynthetic green O2 and filter water/transpiration to cool &
nurture & nourish & satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires,
dreams to lift US up instead….to grow heaven on earth instead…now and
generations from now to lift all up to positives impossible to count in cash
(such as laughter and light of our sun enough)…instead.
That’s a big change, but not
so difficult if we reach far beyond the obvious of private worlds confined in
thick, dense walls and barriers of a speeding cash-driven economy of private
cashflow floods blinding us…. If we let nature do the work for us……to nurture
hidden genegic potentials of life enough to prdocue enough to consume enough,
to conume enough to produce enough, the rewards and comforts for U.S. growing
exponentially if we can act soon to
1) act immediately to kick
our deadly addictions to a dangerous, deadly, cash-driven fossil fuel ego+nomy
of hurtful, toxic cashflow floods crushing us and our own family’s futures, our
own public nation’s future……to
2) harvest free, infinite flows of 100%
Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage immediate to create, build and grow a
healthier Renewable Energy Green Economic Renaissance, to harvest free and
infinite flows of 100% Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage, harvesting
positive flows of energy 100% doable by 2030 (IRENA 2016) or before…by 2050
(, MZ Jacobson, Stanford 2015) or before to power all our energy needs
of by for US and our entire world to consume, lifting many up out of poverty
enough to develop their gifts enough free from want and fear enough to produce
enough to consume enough…and to consume enough to produce enough now and
generations from now…..if our energy industries and utilities would help U.S.
to harvest free, infinite, safe, affordable flows of Renewable Energy,
Efficiency, Storage, free, infinite sun and wind, water and waves, geothermal,
biofuels/bioenergy/synergy, gravity, imagination/nature’s genius enough to 2a)
slash operating costs & wastes & toxics of any system,
2b) clean up human messes for
a new, renewing 21st century and
2c) produce abundant,
exponential supplies of positives of by for many to consume now and generations
from now….
3) balance nature’s budget of by for producing
positive productivity of by for critical but uncountable flows & cycles of
by for growing functional living systems on earth enough to produce enough to
consume, to consume enough to produce enough to filter and cleans and satisfy
basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of any living system, cell or self
or globe inalienable enough to lift all up to light enough to laugh with vision
and wisdom….to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute…
balance human budgets of consumption of cashflow floods crushing us.
Remember that Adam and Eve
did not need a human cash system of fossil fuels or machines because their
Garden of Eden’s hidden genetic potentials, genius produced the critical flows
that they needed to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires and probably
dreams….until they trampled and crushed the ability of nature’s genius to grow
and produce enough of what they needed to consume enough.
Noah learned that also.
Can America?
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