Friday, April 21, 2017

Renewable Energy Everywhere! Let's Harvest It Now to Win Anything!

Renewable Energy Everywhere:   Let's Harvest It to Win Anything

Solar energy = Inverse of Wind

Wind energy = inverse of Solar

(Root, 2011)

Our sun has kept life functional for millions, billions of years.....and humans assume they can limit our world to dirty deadly fossil fuels crushing life on earth....all life as in our Climate911, our own 6th Extinction, our own Anthropocene that Jerry Falwell blames erroneously on my god?

So....... that means that the wind is blowing usually when sun isn't shining...and sun is shining usually when wind isn't that means more constant flows & energy supplies....

Too often though, we're too busy consuming at all costs to notice why water flows through cycles on earth and energy hides everywhere:

Solar energy could power all energy needs on earth (ETOM 2013)......wind also (AWEA 2015)....water & waves also (aquamarine power 2016).....but America is still addicted to dirty deadly fossil fuels that have caused Climate911, Our 6th Extinction, our own Anthropocene without asking "Why?"?

America could free our selves from our deadly addictions in the time it takes to erect solar panels, wind turbines & greener, smarter cities & grids to grow positive potentials:

It's easy, actually....if the fossil fuel fools energy expertise would help clean up their messes....or get out of the way.

We need 100% Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage, Smarter Greener Grids & Cities Now.

We need 100% Renewable Energy & absorbent, green watersheds to clean up the climate messes we have made in the last 150 years, in the last 40 years of human industrialization and cash-driven ego+nomics:

100% Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Storage is absolutely 100% Doable by 2030 (IRENA 2016) or before....100% doable by 2050 (, Jacobson 2015) or before....if fossil fuel fools would help save their own children's futures, their own nation's futures, their own private futures....or get out of the way damn it.....

The only obstacles to 100% Renewable Energy is "social and political" (Jacobson, 2015) of by for erroneous assumptions and Biblical Lies manufactured of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for fossil fuel bank accounts of by for fewer than only our expense.....explosive risks and costs destroying our own futures.

Real Facts:

Solar energy could easily satisfy all energy needs on earth x 11,000 (ETOM 2013)....

Wind energy could easily satisfy all energy needs on earth x 10 (AWEA 2015)...

Water and waves could easily satisfy all energy needs on earth, waves x 5 (aquamarine 2016)....

Energy Efficiency, Conservation of resources & Greener Smarter Cities & Grid(s)....could easily slash our demands and our costly wastes that are killing US.

Then....there's also Gravity, Geothermal, Biofuels, Bioenergy, Smarts, Imagination far beyond the obvious/private/immediate walls and barriers of human worlds.....there's Nature's Hidden Genetic Potentials, Genius, Logic in Every Living Cell, Seed, Seedling, Soil, Self, Whole Living System, Cell or Self or Globe that want to grow upwards toward light of our sun enough to grow 1) abundant riches easily and 2) critical but uncountable flows, cycles, positive productivity enough to lift all up to light now & generations from now.....all living cells on earth inalienable & Filtering All Critical But Uncountable Flows, Cycles, Positive Productivity & Genius Holding Our Fragile Web for All Life & Laughter & generations from now and more....while my ego+nomic privatized, privatizing, blinding, obstructing US White House, US Congress, US Supreme Court (soon) conspires to block critical public access to critical public flows of critical public information such as critical scientific literacy and to critical public flows of critical public reousrces such as public $ to build critical safe affordable public infrastructure foundations & nations enough to keep critical public populations of both life and land globally, inalienable alive, healthy, smart & productive enough to consume enough to produce enough and to produce enough to consume enough to call ourselves an "eco+nomic" success?

Or do we conspire erect thick dense cash-driven obstruction, blockades, tollbooths for private cash profiteering at all costs of by for thick dense walls & barriers of dirty oily slimy contaminated hatred, division, strive & war to keep the private self in and the other out....while also sealing off our anaerobic caves causing sickness and death of our nation...sucking all down into deadly fossil fuel cash-driven addictions?

Or can we free our selves and earth from our cash-driven fossil fuel addictions enough to shift now to a 100% Renewable Energy Efficiency Storage Ecological Logical Economic the Gutenberg Press sparked a Renaissance several hundred years ago.

Or do a cash-driven fossil fuel industry of foolish fossil fuel war profiteers, slave owners want to crush & enslave the many, life & land & whole earth systems inalienable on earth of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for privatized cashflow floods into private cash accounts that crush life and logic on earth? Slave owners also assume erroneously that they can "own" life and land enough to crush the many, crushing critical productivity they need to produce any outcomes of any definition of our word "eco+nomic".....


Adam & Eve did not need deadly fossil fuels or machines or cashflow floods because their Garden of Eden (Garden for Eden) grew & produced enough for them to consume enough....until they trampled and crushed the ability of their fragile but critical Garden to produce enough to consume enough......

Humans have used human cash systems & machines & toxics as important tools to build great human cities & great human civilizations for thousands of years....but human cashflow floods of human urbanization, industrialization, sprawl can crush the ability of nature's lives and lands to grow upwards & produce enough critical flows for humans to consume enough.

So human cities rise and fall....

So human civilizations rise and fall because humans limit their counts to mechanical rates of privatizing, immediate/shortsighted, obviously obvious/blinding cashflow floods into only one linear private bank account of only one boxed private self of only one myopic self of only one point of view now......while driving a public world blinded over a cliff.

So why are we still addicted to dirty, deadly, destructive fossilized cashflow floods and cash-driven fossil fuel fool ego+nomics that are crushing life on earth....such as DAPL tarsands and fricken fracken that Donald Trump, Rex Tillerson and Putin are ramming through US?

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