Friday, December 11, 2015

Fortune: Google Makes Biggest Renewable Energy Investment for Non-Utility Ever....Equivalent to Taking 1 Million Cars Off of Roads!

Promising: Profit-Driven Industries Leading the Way to A Renewable Energy Economy Efficiency Renaissance to Lift All 100% Up to Positives....Even a Cash-driven Oily GOP

Here is the best promise:

Profit-driven private industries (and the DOD) have been leading this Renewable Energy Economy Efficiency revolution in the US to activate a Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance....because commercial and cash-driven industries know that free, renewable energy of wind, solar, etc cuts their private costs on private corporate bottom lines enough to manufacture more and more and more positive outcomes obvious or not, counted in abundant private cash rates for private profiteering, counted in mechanical rates of cash to fill private bank accounts now....and our national security depends on it.

That's exciting, and cash-driven industries powering the growth of a Renewable Energy Economy should excite my US Congress of a Republican GOP that claims to like private profits for private selves ...The cash-driven profiteers that like wars to defend our national security.

Where's our War on Climate Heating on earth?

Why is the cash-driven Republican GOP in my US Congress blocking action to lower carbon emissions enough to keep earth livable for their own children now and generations from now?

Their own children need an immediate shift from a deadly dead energy economy immediately now asap shift now to a safer, more affordable, more functional, cleaner, greener, healthier, happier Renewable Energy Economy Efficiency Renaissance of Greener, Smarter Cities and harvest free, abundant supplies of high-quality electrons that do not need dirty extraction (that destroys fragile ecosystems on earth)...high-quality electrons freely to power our many energy needs without worrying about causing dirty energy spills, dirty energy wars, dirty extraction, dirty deadly processing, dirty deadly costly transportation of dirty energy risks and costs thrown onto the innocent.

But the dirty and cash-driven dead energy industry assumes erroneously that they need to crush and destroy to win....but they are wrong, very, very wrong throwing costs onto others, limiting our counts to mechanical rates of human cash that crush life that keeps human cities alive day to day and minute to minute, blinding and crushing and dumbing, dulling, numbing and nullifying our vision and wisdom and caring values of by for protecting our own children's future, our own future stupidly,

But why is my US Congress blocking America's access to safe, affordable public infrastructure foundations to harvest the free energy that nature and my god are giving to us....that we are wasting every day?

Have we forgotten what we're counting?

Has the cash-driven, cash-dominated, cash-corrupting dead energy industry bribed our "public representatives" in my US Congress and our statehouses (and beyond) to limit their US Constitutionally-mandated
elected "public representative" powers to only privatized and cash-driven robber barons that crush the many with deadly cashflow floods and dirty toxic spills written off of our legal codes of by for privatized cash profiteering of by for a profit limited for fewer than 1 our expense....deadly, epic, hellish costs and consequences impossible to count in human cash because humans have never seen hell like this before....crushing life on earth in a hellish and malignant 6th Extinction of earth also known as Armageddon because human carbon emissions of our industrialized and urbanizing combustion of dirty energy has caused our 6th extinction that we have the power to reverse and/or minimize if we care.

Do we care?

Or have Americans become so segregated from their own earth to erect thick walls and barriers of impermeable concrete, asphalt, metal, glass synthetics that crush and destroy fragile but critical seeds, seedlings, soil, selves, wholes that want to reach up toward nurturing light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches to count + to produce abundant critical flows of light, air, O2<=>CO2 cycles inalienable, H2O flows and cycles inalienable, rich, organic topsoil production and cycles inalienable enough to grow green absorbent watersheds to recycle life's indivisible cycles enough to live now and generations infinitely from now.

I have carefully watched their Republican GOP for the last 50 years...and have learned that the cash-driven fossil fuel industry, including Exxon, the Koch brothers, BP, Shell, Halliburton, has taken over their cash-driven power hungry Republican GOP to shape our nation into pyramid schemes, scams, secrecy of by for a cash-driven corporate elite far beyond the obvious, only 1% in the last 35 years, the Republican GOP limiting counts to mechanical rates of privatizing cash into only one private bank account now...cashflow floods for only 1% limiting the ability of the Republican GOP to count more than mechanical rates of cash into one private bank account of only one obvious now......crushing and destroying our abilities and will to reach far beyond the obvious to discover critical links between critical actions and critical outcomes....and blocking and crushing life's critical productivity and logic of nature (hidden genetic potentials, genius) that humans need to produce critical flows of uncountable air, O2, water as H2O, rich, organic topsoil enough to grow green absorbent watersheds enough to grow enough countable food and shelter to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.

My nation and world need a more logical economy to count more than mechanical rates of empty numbers of human blocks if humans want to 1) leave the dinosaurs in the ground to stop causing hell on earth and 2) Harvest 100% Renewable Energy Now 100% Doable by 2030 if we care to grow heaven on earth instead to lift All 100% up to positives enough to count....and to 3) Green urban and dying watersheds to grow greener, more absorbent, more native, more functional green absorbent watersheds enough to produce critical flows and cycles enough to activate dying air and water cycles on earth enough to grow heaven on earth again 4) remember what we're counting enough to find any meaning and significance for US.....and 5) count more than mechanical rates of cash to discover and value the invaluable, the uncountable, the priceless, the significant, the meaning of links between actions and outcomes of by for life and logic of both positive and negative qualities/excellence and cognitive and scientific literacy of a more civil world balancing critical flows of by for moral reciprocity enough to minimize negative outcomes and maximize positive outcomes of by fro All 100%....even a cash-driven 1%.....far beyond the obvious to produce enough critical flows of critical information and critical resources of by for nature to grow life and logic and riches uncountable, impossible to count in human rates of cash....obvious or not, counted in cash rates or not....cashflow flood currency crushing the ability of life's infinitely intricate and vast flows, cycles, productivity to restore and heal a broken world of hate.

But here's the promise:

Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole on earth wants to reach upwards toward light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches to to produce critical but hidden flows of critical information and critical resources, uncountable flows, cycles, productivity of O2<=>CO2 cycles to balance nature's budget for billions of years for life to evolve, green absorbent watersheds cleaning and cooling uncountable invaluable water cycles far beyond the obvious enough to produce enough rich, organic topsoil to grow green, absorbent, native, functional watersheds to hold earth intact enough to grow heaven on earth instead....heaven impossible to count in cash.

But some still assume erroneously that humans need mechanical rates of human cash that crush life and US to fill private bank accounts now in obvious flashing numbers broadcasted to get labels that read "rich"...or "wealth" ...or "economy"....while crushing and destroying the ability of life to produce enough to consume, to consume enough to produce enough to balance nature's budget so we can balance our own.

Ironically, those mechanical rates that crush life also count the most critical flows and functions for life the least....and count the least critical the most, the most deadly the most.....crushing, poisoning and destroying the ability of life on earth to produce enough to consume enough to cycle on and on.....causing cessation of respiration and photosynthesis far beyond the obvious....crushing life on earth, obvious or not, counted in cash or not.....ironically, paradoxically, stupidly.

We need a more logical economy that counts more than mechanical rates of cash that crush life on earth.....that crush our ability to grow heaven...and that cause hell on earth instead, blaming my god erroneously.

But as a farm girl who lives on rich, productive Iowa soil now....I know that Iowans must value the rich, abundant productivity and hidden genetic potentials to produce abundant riches of their land. Senators Ernst and Grassley of Iowa both have farmed, and I know that Senator Grassley values and helped to build our wind industry in Iowa that leads the nation. Thank you, Senator Grassley and a bipartisan team that knows how to harvest free flows of riches from our land. Ironically, you have also voted in step with a cash-driven Republican party to value the cash-driven forces that crush life on earth. I don't understand why.

I urge America and All to count more than mechanical rates of private cash of artificial human cash accounts....and to focus on links between positive actions that produce positive outcomes that produce critical flows of free energy enough to lift the many up to light enough to glow and prosper now and generation from connect the disconnected enough to activate hidden genetic potentials beyond the obvious enough to produce abundant riches, critical flows of by for all life to flourish...obvious or not, counted in minimize negative outcomes of cash-driven frenzies that crush life and logic.....and to nurture and care carefully, thoughtfully of by for fragile but critical living cells on earth, every living cell, seeds, seedlings, soils, selves, whole inalienable, critical flows to nourish and nurture more productive nations now and generations from now.....obvious or not, counted in human rates of cash or value leaders of vision and wisdom, abilities, will, scientific literacy enough to help US to find a safer course for all into an uncertain future we all share together, a future we shape together....every positive action causing positive outcomes slowly to lift all up to light enough to produce abundant riches to count + to produce critical flows enough to satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of the many enough to cause peace, to fill in hungry voids of the negative enough to produce great human civilizations.....instead of causing hell on earth.

Our cash-driven addictions to deadly fossilized dead energy for the last 150 years of human industrialization, urbanization, crushing of fragile soils and lands has crushed the ability of humans to grow heaven on earth.

But we, All now have the epic opportunity to change the course of our common history from a tailspin downward into cash-driven hell of a dead energy economy ....into a more positive, upward, enlightening course toward more positive outcomes of by or life and light enough to lift All 100% up enough to grow heaven on earth instead.

What is our choice? Do we listen to the cash-driven lies, virtual illusion and mirage of a fossilized, cash-driven dead energy industry that limits our counts to mechanical rates of dead energy cash of by for only dead energy accounts now of by for fatter accounts of by for fewer than 1%....while throwing obscene costs and consequences and hell onto US now?

Or do we jump to reach out far beyond the obvious of only one cash-driven point of view discover amazing abundance and productivity of nature's amazing hidden but productive potentials and productivity of amazing outcomes to win far beyond the obvious....enough to activate hidden genetic potentials, genius far beyond countable rates (that crush us)....enough to glow, to lift all life up to light enough to produce abundant and nourishing, nurturing but uncountable critical flows, cycles, productivity uncountable flows of the divine that fill in hungry voids of the negative....that satisfy basic critical needs, wants, desires, dreams of the many enough to grow peace enough for all 100% to share...enough to lift All 100% up to light enough....even a cash-driven 1%....obvious or not, counted in human cash rates or not....

My nation went astray in 1980, more than 35 years ago when Exxon knew that carbon emissions of industrializing and urbanizing combustion of dirty fossilized fuels would contaminate our atmosphere to cause catastrophic costs and consequences for many in the future. Instead of acting then more than 35 years ago to minimize and control the rates and types of carbon emissions to keep global temperature rise under 2 degrees centigrade.....Exxon chose to endanger and crush their own children's futures, their own family's futures, their own private future stupidly.

That indicates to me that those that limit their public counts and values to only mechanical rates of private cash into only private bank accounts of only one obvious now do not have the qualifications to lead a family or a public of any definition.

Yet, Exxon needed US President Ronald Reagan's "Reaganomics" to limit our counts to mechanical rates of human cash in private bank accounts to blind US to the costs and consequences, short-term, long-term, life web outcomes of unlimited carbon emissions as CO2 and alsoC)($*#@^(*!)#(*&$#*(^& more than 35 years ago for more than 35 years to present.....carbon emissions causing only a 1 degree C increase in global temperature (over 150 years) already causing deadly, catastrophic costs and consequences of "climate change" of only 1 degree C that has already baked and drowned too many on earth. James Hansen of NASA warned US that just a 2 degree C rise (since 150 years ago) would cause earth to become "uninhabitable" (Hansen 2007)....just a 1 degree increase in 150 years already causing a Climate 9/11, a Climate Armageddon and "End Times" ....while blaming my god erroneously.

My US Congress also needs to protect my family and I from enemies and threats such as catastrophic costs and consequences of global climate heating that threatens to destroy human cities and civilizations around the globe and more now.

So my US Congress needs to act fast to protect my family and I from those enemies. We need a War On Climate Heating and Exxon and other dead energy industries that have bought my US block any critical actions that we need to lower emissions and lower temperatures to keep earth "inhabitable"....

But as now of by for reducing carbon emissions enough now to keep global temperature escalation under 1.5 degrees centigrade (since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution).

.....because harvesting free (FREE!), affordable, abundant, safer, cleaner supplies of Solar, Wind and other power (not causing deadly healthcare costs or cleanup costs).

Yet, instead of acting to lower deadly carbon emissions to keep earth livable,