Monday, December 9, 2013

LEGISLATION IN COMMITTEE: CALL: Renewable Electricity Standard Act introduced in US House and US Senate as wind energy tax credit expires

Re:  Thanks for introducing the  Renewable Electricity Standard Act  2013, introduced in US House and US Senate as wind energy tax credit expires, U.S. H.R. 3654 and S. 1595:   Please vote to enact asap

Thank you, Senator Udall for your leadership to bring a very critical piece of legislation to the U.S. Senate (10/29/13 to committee) as the wind energy tax credit expires on December 31, 2013), the Renewable Electricity Standard Act 2013….and this critical legislation has sat in committee for several months….probably blocked by Big Oil of the fossilized industries that have caused terrible costs and consequences of climate change caused by carbon pollution.    Our nation needs to challenge our public representatives to represent the public and our inalienable public futures together…. and not to limit our vision to cash, to private bank accounts of only 1% that care only about privatized cash-flow floods more than their own childrens' futures.

Thank you, Rep. Polis for your leadership to bring this very critical legislation to the U.S. House (12/13 to committee)….as the wind energy tax credit expires on December 31, 2013 in the US….and the solar tax credit already expired in March, 2013…wind and solar a great team (for producing a more constant flow of energy).  My representative from Iowa, Dave Loebsack will probably support this legislation…and hopefully help to carry it to enactment before December 31.   Our legislators need to give investors confidence to produce a healthier marketplace of, by, for All 100% by showing our nation and world that our legislators understand the importance of producing a new age, a more renewable economy of, by, for All 100% to share now and generations from now.

That is real leadership.

I think I know why this Act  has never made it out of committee in the US Senate:  It seems that the fossil fuel industry has seized control of DC.  The fossil fuel industries and utility companies fear the transition from dirty energy dependency and addiction to the transformation to renewable energy for our world that will change our futures from a deadly tailspin downwards (of oil wars and costs as fossil juice becomes more and more costly, inaccessible and dangerous to access)….. into a more positive course growing upwards toward light producing abundant riches for All 100% to share….pulling billions (around the world) out of poverty….enabling us to bring a new age of hope for humankind….lettting nature do the work (as in the garden for Eden).

We need to redefine our word, "economy" to count more than cash-flow floods of the 1%, of the oil and gas and coal industries that have ruined futures for many.

We can't count that in terms of human cash.   We need to count more than cash, even though many have limited their minds and lives to slavery to manufacture it in thick, dense walls of confinement, privatized, deregulated, stagnant and depressing.   But some in D.C. limit their counts to cash, counting private, short-term, obvious bank accounts more than their own children's futures.

Change is often painful for humans….even though it can free many of much pain……and open doors to a very exciting and brighter future of, by, for All 100% to share now and generations from now….if we can find the courage to work as a team……to produce riches impossible to count in cash.

On the flip side, totalitarian comfort and convenience of costly fossilized addictions can become deadly for many also…costs impossible to count in cash.

If we don't change course….then we face much, much more pain …. than the energy required to change course toward the positive.

Our nation and world can no longer afford to listen to the cash-driven oil, gas, coal and nuclear risk industries that limit counts to metal coins and care more about only one private bank account of only 1% that counts only one obvious now …..more than their own childrens' futures…….that limit our vision to the cash-driven, private, immediate, obvious now of deadly cash-flow floods.

Our nation needs to count more than cash….and needs to value the invaluable impossible to count in human cash.  Human cash mostly measures only human cash of the private self, the immediate, the linear, the obvious urban walls and barriers that have confined our 20th century.

We are ready to invest in a brighter future for All 100% to share….and renewable technologies for amazing and affordable energy production is ready for U.S….with great financial returns for those who are brave enough to help with this critical transition from a dirty past to a more productive and prosperous future of, by, for All 100% to share now and generations from now…..a new era, a new,  renewable economy with vision, wisdom and laughter of, by, for All 100%.

The word root, "eco-" as in "eco+nomic" and in "eco+logic" means "house" or "oikos" in Greek…but not every house nurtures those within.  Some houses count only cash and hurt and destroy inhabitants.   Humans need nature's hidden genetic potentials in every seed, seedling, soil to grow upwards toward light, air, water  to produce the critical, nurturing flows to turn a "house" into a "home" of, by, for All to share, a home of infinite, refreshing, renewing critical flows produced by hidden genetic potentials of nature that nurture us.

But some just don't get it…and don't want to.

We need all on deck to help our nation and world through these very treacherous waters, please... thanks.

The traditional fossil fuel industries and utilities are afraid of the changes, but can easily become great leaders, role models for their children….by helping to guide our nation and world toward a safer, more affordable future, a more renewable economy.    Our cash system has failed to count long-term public costs and the costs of lost productivity, toxics, destruction of life and health and land to the many of our nation and world….and our nation and world can no longer afford or tolerate these assaults on our nation.   Instead, we need teamwork to win. All aboard.

I had nightmares during the 2003 invasion of Iraq destroy each other in a futile search for fossil juice that was more and more difficult, dangerous and costly to access.

Then I learned that the sun alone could easily supply all energy needs on earth x 11,000.   So why haven't we already transitioned to this amazing source of energy free from nature…..if we invested little to harvest it.

Why?  Some refuse to count more than private cash-flow floods of private, short-sighted bank accounts that blind many to their own childrens' futures.   We can't afford that.

We are ready for a new age of hope….a new age where our children can find safe, affordable access to healthy earth systems of nature of freedom of productivity, diversity, abundance that grow upwards toward light to produce all the critical flows we need for health, "life, liberty, happiness" such as clean air, O2, water, soil, food, shelter that they need freely….even without needing metallic symbols of cash.   Was the Biblical story of the garden for Eden actually about the costs and consequences of industrialization/urbanization/combustion that destroy the ability of nature, of life and land to produce abundance and critical flows for humans to consume…..that they need to find happiness?

Many have already discovered that the "greatest things in life are free:"

Ironically, our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least:

Ironically our cash system counts the most critical and hidden flow for life, O2 the least, breathable, photosynthetic oxygen as O2 the least (not CO2, not CO, not O3…)…..even though humans die within minutes without O2.

Ironically, our cash system counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, water as H2O the next least…even though humans die within days without H2O.

Ironically, our cash system counts the next most critical and hidden flow for life, soil the next least, rich, organic topsoil and soil makers for growing food for humans to eat…….even though humans die within months without food….

Ironically, our cash system counts the least critical flows, the most inflexible, the most deadly structures the most….bloody diamonds and gold, dirty energy, oil, coal, nuclear risks, gas including fricken fracken that destroys our lands, lives, water and releases methane/CH4/NG/ng that is 25 to 100 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide/CO2 that has already baked and drowned our worlds with more to come if we don't divest from manufacturing curse…

Living cells and living systems need critical flows to function, both structure and function to adapt to change enough to survive, to find and consume critical, diverse flows of nature enough to produce critical flows for others to consume, critical flows that hold the fragile web for all life intact….critical, infinitely intricate and vast flows through nature's infinite web for all life impossible to count in simple, easy, cheap, quick, metal coins.

Gravity pulls cash down…... symbolized by many that limit their counts to artificial, mechanical counts of cash……while crushing many others, while crushing hidden genetic potentials of nature that All 100% need to grow positive cycles to lift all up.  Light lifts light and life up to light by connecting the disconnected, the infinitely intricate and vast of diversity impossible to count in cash.

At this point in history, we and the dying dirty energy industries have the opportunities to become real leaders, working together as teams to win, to invest in our common futures together….together…. counting more than cash and showing the world our vision and wisdom that we need to change the course of history from a deadly tailspin downward …..into a more positive course upwards toward light… value the amazing hidden potentials of nature, sunlight, air, wind, O2, H2O, soil, green growth, food to lift All 100% upwards toward light to produce even more riches of the earth for All 100% to share now and generations from now.

We need to balance nature's budget so that we can balance our own.   We need to balance private, public and life web worlds…….

We need to balance short-term, long-term, infinite worlds….

We need to balance the obvious but deceptive….the complex and difficult to understand…..the mysteries impossible to understand in human terms (such as the flows of "blessings" from nature)

We need to balance addictive consumption with public and private markets to connect supplies with demands….and nature's abundant productivity of all critical flows that keep humans in cities alive day to day and minute to minute….

Can we afford not to balance nature's budget?   Numerous religions warn humans to count more than cash….because glitter cash-flow floods blinds and desensitizes us to the needs of others and to the need to protect our own childrens' futures.

We need the fossil fuel industry to help make this critical transition with their expertise and resources and subsidies….to help produce a more positive future for their own children's future.

It's called vision and wisdom and logic of nature's amazing potentials…..impossible to count in mechanical and artificial terms of cash… that has enabled our nation to lead other nations toward a more positive future….until the discovery of oil and the internal combustion engine, industrialization and urbanization changed the course of history…..counted in cash or not.

Value the invaluable impossible to count in cash to win.

I learned in my religious studies that every action causes either blessing or curse….and cash flows often blind us to those scientific and religious observations.   I have also learned that a negative times a negative does not equal a positive.

I think we need to retool our information and media systems to count more than cash….and to invest in a more positive future for All 100% to share now and generations from now….inalieanble futures impossible to count in human cash.

If we green our cities/heat islands/CO2x producers into renewable economies, I am positive that we can transform a bleak future of oppression into a brighter, more refreshing and empowering future where all can find safe, affordable access to the critical flows that we need to prosper for generations.

Our public representatives need to represent their publics and public futures for All to share….and their public needs and wants and worlds that include both life and land, habitat and inhabitants, "inalienable"living systems and earth systems of critical flows of air and water and life-giving nutrients impossible to count in simple, obvious, short-term counts of human cash coins.

Ecological economies, logical economies of life and land of many diverse organisms, plants, animals, living systems, earth systems consume to produce and produce to consume and produce critical flows impossible to count in human cash, producing abundant riches of the earth for All 100% to share freely and consume freely ….if we can harvest it wisely, as in the Garden for Eden.  Did industrialization and urbanization crush the abilities of nature to produce abundant riches of the earth?

Has our economy turned into an egonomy (ego-nomic)?   The word root, "eco-" means "house" or "oikos" in Greek….but not every house nurtures those within.   Some houses hurt and destroy those within.   Humans need nature to produce the critical flows that keep humans alive day to day and minute to minute…..critical flows impossible to count in cash, photosynthetic O2, H2O filtered and cooled by complex green watersheds (as NYC uses the green watershed to filter their water), cover crops to enrich soils for future generations, to hold soils to the land to protect our waters and green, lush, abundant forests, wetlands, prairies, green lands that absorb precipitation and carbon hungrily to protect us now and future generations from our selves.

All of Iowa's Congressional delegation in D.C. supports the wind energy tax credit because they know it's a great investment with huge financial dividends for Iowa and beyond.

We can no longer afford for only 1% of our population to block safe and affordable access to our rights to safe and affordable access to clean, renewable energy of, by, for All 100%.

We need those that count private counts of private cash-flow floods that destroy critical producers of nature to step out of the way and let real leaders lead our nation to a brighter, more renewable future….instead of sucking all down easy, cheap, quick.

Our nation and world needs leaders like you, U.S. Senator Udall (D-Utah) and  Jared Polis (CO-02), Ben Ray Luján (NM-03), and Ann McLane Kuster (NH-02) (who) introduced the Renewable Electricity Standard Act of 2013  in the U.S. Senate and US House  to guide us out of the deadly downward tailspin caused by the dirty energy industries that have pumped deadly quantities of carbon pollutants into our common air for the last 150 years.    Humans have caused carbon pollutant emissions….and have caused temperatures on earth to escalate to levels that have caused catastrophic costs and consequences across the globe on a regular basis that will grow more and more intense and frequent and catastrophic if we do not cut carbon pollutant emissions immediately asap now yesterday.  We have no time to wait, and need all "public representatives" in Washington D.C. and in every state to pass legislation and incentives to enable our nation to transition to safer and more affordable future immediately.   Thanks.

But most tragically, many Americans have difficulty understanding how tiny molecules can cause such big changes in our world day to day… such tiny elevations in temperature that seem so insignificant in our homes can cause such catastrophic changes in entire earth systems……until unable to function because of the next climate disaster and costs in their town.

Americans do understand the importance of reaching beyond the obvious and to count more than cash…but confines of industrialization and urbanization and cash-flow floods and erroneous assumptions have taught us to fear change and the freedom to challenge the dirty energy industries.  We can overcome.

This kind of legislation represents our nation's future…..and we cannot afford to let it sit in committee under the thumb of Big Oil…..or to die in committee.

Please gather the courage you need to move it to the floor and to encourage All to count more than cash of Big Oil….and to value their own childrens' futures.

Thanks. @SenatorTomUdall

Rep. Jared Polis [D-CO2]

Rep. Fred Upton [R-MI6]
Ranking Member
Rep. Henry Waxman [D-CA33]
The chairman is always selected from the majority party. The ranking member is the most senior member of the minority party.
In the House committee only "4 % chance of getting past committee….only 1% getting enacted"…..


This bill was assigned to a congressional committee on December 4, 2013, which will consider it before possibly sending it on to the House or Senate as a whole.
IntroducedDec 04, 2013
Referred to CommitteeDec 04, 2013
Reported by Committee...
Passed House...
Passed Senate...
Signed by the President...
4% chance of getting past committee.
1% chance of being enacted.
Only 11% of bills made it past committee and only about 3% were enacted in 2011–2013. [show factors |methodology]

2 cosponsors (2D) (show)
The committee chair determines whether a bill will move past the committee stage.

Holly's Facebook post 120913:
The Renewable Electricity Standard Act is an incredibly important legislation for action as the wind energy tax credit expires on December 31, 2013 (the solar credit expired in March)…. and as carbon pollutants of dirty energies have caused unprecedented weather/climate extremes around the globe, threatening economic security of millions, billions (IPCC, 2013)…to increase more and more frequently if we don't act soon to change the course of history: "Today Representatives Jared Polis (CO-02), Ben Ray Luján (NM-03), and Ann McLane Kuster (NH-02) introduced the Renewable Electricity Standard Act of 2013, which would establish the first national renewable energy standard, requiring utilities to generate 25 percent of their electricity from renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and biomass by 2025. Over the next twelve years the bill gradually increases renewable energy production from 6 percent by 2014 to 25 percent by 2025. "Studies indicate that a national renewable energy standard would: "Create approximately 274,000-297,000 jobs; Save consumers almost $100 billion on their utility bills by 2030; Provide $13.5 billion to farmers, ranchers and other landowners in the form of lease payments; and Add $11.5 billion in new local tax revenues." ( I hope that every public representative in Washington, D.C. and in every state will take bold action immediately to change the course of our history from a downward tailspin into a more positive course upwards toward light….to protect your own childrens' futures. The fossil fuel industries of the 20th century have helped our nation to achieve greatness and we thank them for that. But as they know, carbon emissions have threatened their own childrens' futures with rising seas, more and more frequent and intense megastorms, droughts, floods, destertification and major shifts in earth systems that have already become too frequent and too costly….and our nation and world can no longer afford. We have no choice: We need the fossil fuel industry to help lead the way out of this mess with their expertise in energy production and fine infrastructure that they have built over the last century….to help our nation lead the world toward a brighter future that we can all share together, that will lift billions out of poverty. Count more than cash, the immediate, the obvious. You will be joining a historic coalition of bipartisan support for renewable energy investments in production and a "smart grid" that will not only reduce the catastrophic costs of climate change caused by dirty energy…..but will be investing in a superb economic engine, a renewable economy, a more logical economy that will guide us toward a better, happier future of, by, for All 100% now and generations from now. Thanks so much!

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