Monday, August 22, 2016

100% Renewable Energy by 2050, 80 to 100% RE by 2030 or before, 100% doable...if the fossil fuel industry would help harvest free infinite energy to lift all up

A civil and environmental engineering professor of Stanford University and the International Renewable Energy Association (IRENA, 2016) have played a winning card:

100% Renewable Energy is very 100% doable by 2050, 80 to 100% RE doable by 2030 or before, 100% doable...if the fossil fuel industry would help to harvest free infinite Renewable Energy and Efficiency as a free and infinite fuel now to lift all up to abundant positives, to produce enough to consume....or get out of the way.

America just needs to learn to count more than cash, more than mechanical rates of human cash machines that  crush to divide to count...and that count to divide to conquer to crush the competition, the other, the diverse, the non+same....not to share.

Life shares freely, however to survive and to thrive.

Not only is this extraordinary finding an amazing economic breakthrough to make positive, growing, clean, healthy, productive, regenerative, satisfying futures for peace and prosperity possible for all on earth now and generations from now to share.....but 100% Renewable Energy and Efficiency is the key tool we need to reduce levels of climate carbon in our atmosphere that has now caused our Climate Emergency, Climate 911....our 6th Extinction.   Human carbon emissions have caused our Anthropocene and humans need to act now with the same determination, skill and genius that America and our allies used to win WWII.

Cash-driven forces of the fossilized dead energy industry still cling to erroneous assumptions that privatized cash profiteering justifies all....but it does not.

Best of all....we can afford to leave the artificial cash values/symbols/stereotypes of dead dinosaurs in the ground....because we can easily harvest free and infinite supplies of renewing energy free from the terrible costs of shrinking fossilized supplies, surging costs of exploration, exploding costs of transporting and processing increasingly poorer and poorer qualities of diminished values for return on the addition to traditionally uncounted "externalities" such as the destruction of life and land's and nature's abilities to produce the critical but uncountable flows cycles logic/hidden genetic potentials/genius synergy productivity of productivity exponentially forever in a functional living system...catastrophic costs and consequences of health impacts of persons and entire publics costing too many too much in painful suffering, disease, disability, premature death, dysfunctional systems that crush and cost too many.....while fossilized dirty energy tricks crush the ability of life to survive on slash operating costs of any system to boost positive productivity of productivity exponentially for producing a Renewable Energy Green Economic Renaissance of quantities and qualities never before seen by humans on earth.

I say this because I know that solar energy could power all energy needs on earth x 11,000 (ETOM, 2016)......wind energy could also power all energy needs on earth (AWEA 2015)....and that water and waves could also power all energy needs on earth, waves potentially satisfying all US energy needs x 5.   So  why aren't we shifting our private and public resources now to invest in Renewable Energy Infrastructure to spark our Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance, obvious or not, counted in cash or not.

Some assume erroneously that privatized cash profiteering justifies all and defines wealth.  But they are wrong, very, very wrong, wrong scientifically, wrong mathematically, wrong eco+nomically, wrong eco+logicaly, wrong morally and often wrong legally.

Our fossil fuel industries have depended on a mechanical and artificial, cash-driven economic model limiting counts to mechanical walls and barriers and force and war.....that limits our definition of "economics" and "rich" and "wealth" to mechanical rates of human cash that crush life on earth.....crushing the ability of living cells, seeds, seedlings, soils to connect with light of our sun enough to produce abundant riches to count to produce critical but uncountable flows cycles logic synergy productivity exponentially to satisfy critical needs of life on earth now and generations from now forever.....obvious to humans or not, counted in mechanical rates of human cash or not.

Humans have used human cash systems to build great human cities and great human civilizations for thousands of years.....but autonomic mechanical cashflow floods also crush and destroy the ability of nature to produce the critical but hidden flows of nurturing air, O2, water, H2O, topsoil, life cell or self or globe, green productive watersheds that we need to grow food and shelter to keep our human cities alive day to day and minute to minute, generation to generation.

Climate carbon levels have far surpassed the danger zone for earth...while climate change deniers have seized control of our nation's US House of Representative's "Science Committee" to block critical investments in non-fossil fuel a time when we need a wartime effort to build Renewable Energy infrastructure more than any other time in history.

Climate change deniers in our US Congress even block efforts of our US Military to warn America that our Climate Emergency is a threat to national security....and have even blocked efforts of the US Military to shift to Renewable Energy.

Americans need their US Constitution, international laws and treaties, laws of science, laws of nature, laws of moral reciprocity to change the course of our common history....obvious or not, counted in human rates of cash or not:

* leave the dinosaurs in the ground at all costs
* harvest instead free, infinite supplies of free, infinite Renewable Energy, renewing energy to activate a Renewable Energy Economic Renaissance
* count more than cash to value the invaluable
* green our cities to protect and plant green absorbent watersheds to activate dying cycles of air, water life on
* stop stupid waste and capture resources at the source to make markets instead of toxics
* stop causing hell on
* grow heaven on earth instead
* reach beyond the private/short-sighted/impermeable/obvious linear walls and barriers that blind us to
* build safe affordable access to safe affordable public infrastructure foundations enough for the many to find safe affordable access to nature's amazing worlds of productivity of by for life far beyond the obvious, counted in cash or not
* care enough to act now to live

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