Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Differentiate between ARTIFICIAL CARBONS and LIVING CARBONS to sequester climate carbons enough to end Climate911: Harvesting Nature's Genius

Hey everybody.....I'm not sure you realize that climate carbon emissions differ greatly from the "carbon" of living CO2 consumed by plants to grow life .....but we need to differentiate between


2) LIVING, functional positive CARBONS SUCH AS WOOD, GREEN PHOTOSYNTHETIC LEAVES AND RICH, ORGANIC TOPSOIL...ALL PHOTOSYNTHESIS THAT ABSORBS HUGE monstrous CLIMATE CARBONS OF ARTIFICIAL GRAY CO2 AND CxyzLOG $%#@&$)#(%#@(* & break those monstrous molecules into smaller, more usable, safer molecules for plants and animals to consume enough to produce enough and to produce enough to consume enough to hold our fragile but critical web for all life intact.
Have you ever heard of "artificial carbons" vs "living carbons" before?
It comes from the basic principle that green vegetation is an inverse of very critical, continuous and unbreakable flows of air of by for life on earth far from the obvious or human city walls and barriers, critical flows of O2 for animals or respiration, and visa versa, animals producing living CO2 for plants to convert to living O2, O=O of a very fragile double bond produced by living plants...probably not by stones......As animals consume O2, turning living O2, very fragile green O=O into living red probably very fragile CO2.........and that plants/photosynthesis turns red/fragile CO2 into green/blue fragile O2 for animals to consume enough....continuously for millions, billions of years....
Remember that even a slight variation in the angles of molecules and atoms can change entire characteristics at the human sensory that industry's and governments' use of the word "carbon dioxide" and CO2 is mostly an estimation....but does not factor in the intimate relationship between living O2 and living CO2 with living organisms on earth continuously respiring and photosynthesizing, exchanging very fragile gases and molecules easily broken by the forces of fire and metal.... i.e.....Living organism exchange living green/blue O2 on a very intimate and microscopic level with living red green chlorophyll of plants need red hemoglobin and red hemoglobin of blood of animals needs green chlorophyll of plants to survive day to day and minute to minute.... far from the abilities of humans to differentiate or even see or imagine the infinitely intricate and vast links, nodes, strands of critical but uncountable flows that keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute.....
Remember also that life converts O2 to CO2 and CO2 to O2 of by for sustaining living organism, satisfying basic critical needs of each as one of nature's amazing wonders far from the obvious thick walls of human these processes of chemical change of by for life to survive must be much different than human first burning carbon of fossil fuels of long lines of c with many h hydrogen molecules attached. ....that cause release of very deadly carbon monoxide, a very powerful CO radical that clings to hemoglobin in humans with 200x the force than CO2....killing humans in minutes. So how does life turn CO2 into O2?
Fires need O2 to burn....but incomplete combustion causes CO2.
How do plants turn CO2 into H2O?
Plants hide genetic potentials, genius, logic in every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, living system whole enough to perform magic for us every day and every minute to keep humans alive.
But some just don't get it....and assume they need to chop forests and other green absorbent watersheds, crushing life on earth to "make money" enough to eat. Ironically, the plants produce the food for them and food animals to eat.....ironically crushing the source of their food.
My photographic editing has detected color evidence of these processes. Please contact me to explain.
Trees reach up toward light of our sun to grow upwards. Human legs reach downward in an opposite reaction, as photosynthesis vs respiration, a very ancient process and intimate exchange/dependency/cooperation that humans have chopped into bits in the last 150 years....for thousands of years.

The great thing is, however....this concept is a breakthrough in our tool of rapid climate carbon sequestration because it means that green, absorbent, photosynthetic watersheds of rich native buffers with deep roots can pull dirty artificial carbons out of our air at more and more rapid rates ....especially because they grow in value through convert artificial carbon financial liabilities (causing insurance$headaches) into actual financial assets that grow exponentially through time and also function beyond financial counts as very valuable "externalities" ...not counted in our cash system.....until the watershed floods or dies.
I don't know if industry has blurred this definition to confuse us....or whether this is a huge scientific discovery.
My grandfather was a cancer research scientist and taught me about the importance of individual living cells for whole systems, cell, self, ecosystems, global earth systems, even climate and ocean and land&life inalienable at a young age. So I've been thinking about those processes and inalienable links since I was a young child.
I also discovered that our human cash system counts the most critical flows for life the least....and the least critical stones and structures the most, the most deadly forces the most......meaning therefore that human cash systems, human cashflow floods crush life on earth.
Every living cell, seed, seedling, soil, self, whole hides amazing genetic potentials, genius, gifts, logic that humans need to reach up toward light of our sun enough to grow upwards and produce enough to consume enough, to consume enough to produce enough now and generations from now.
But our human cash system limits our counts to mechanical rates of private cash of by for one private self in one private bank account of by for only one obvious now....cashflow floods blinding many.
Humans have used human cash systems to build great human cities and great human civilizations...but human cashflow floods also crush and destroy the ability of nature's fragile but critical seeds, seedlings, soils to reach up toward light of our sun enough to produce 1) abundant riches to count in human terms of cash and worlds and also to produce 2) critical but uncountable flows and cycles of by for life to consume.....critical flows and cycles of light, energy/synergy, air cycles, o2 to breathe, water cycles, h2o to drink, rich organic topsoil and soil+makers production and productivity enough to grow green, absorbent watersheds, airsheds, living systems inalienable to hold our fragile web for all life inapt enough to grow countable food and shelter enough to keep human cities alive day to day and minute to minute....obvious or not, counted in human rates of cash that crush us or not....

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