Thursday, March 23, 2017

Solar,Wind Jobs Growing 12x Faster In US Economy.....While Trump Wants to Kill Solar, Wind Energy Jobs: Unbelievable

Mr. Trump evidently .....with overwhelming legal not a legitimate "businessman" if the only thing he represents is privatizing, deregulating, cost-shifting fossil fuel fool profiteer profiteering for fewer than only 1%.....
Real "businessmen/women" and real "capitalists" do not crush and destroy the critical but fragile positive "natural capital" positive potentials of by for life that all need to slash negative risks and outcomes......
Real "capitalists" and "business" persons have vision and wisdom enough to maximize positive potentials & positive growth to lift all up to positives now and generations from define in any terms....obvious or not now,.....counted in private cash now or not....
Those who wrote my US Constitution and The Rule of Law and the numerous religions that document moral laws of reciprocity now and generations into both the past and into the future know that.
Trump and DC GOP representing only fossil fuel $ do not deserve their seats in DC.
Why are they still there?
America is being overtaken by other nations who understand that solar energy = infinite and free energy enough to stop causing hell on earth and grow heaven on earth instead now and generations from now damn it.
Is any one listening?

1 comment:

  1. Solar,Wind Jobs Growing 12x Faster In US Economy.....While Trump Wants to Kill Solar, Wind Energy Jobs: Unbelievable

    Trump can not be a "businessman" or "capitalist" if he clings to dying fossil fuels tanking, dying....fewer and fewer dirty fossils harder and harder and more and more costly to extract, spill, process, spill, "clean up" impossible to "clean up"...transport, spill, ignore, refuse to pay for public health consequences for own children/family/nation/self stupidly...blinding many to train as Pavlov's dogs trained to push the lever as a "standard of living" manufacture Biblical lies to sell the immoral for filling private, privatized, privatizing, deregulating, outlaw bank accounts for only fossil fuel fools of by for fewer than only 1%....crushing their own children's futures now criminally, crushing their own nation's futures treasonously, crushing their own private future stupidly....while crushing the new economic heroes of the 21st century.

    Don't they know that our word root "eco-" as in "eco+nomic" and as in "eco+logic" means "house" or "oikos" in Greek....but not every house nurtures those within. Some crush and poison and destroy those in their house, cell or self or globe to destroy their self.

    The answer is simple: Fossil fuel addictions of by for deadly cashflow floods crushing us destroy us.

    But if we can Harvest free, infinite, immediate, clean, safe, productive, positive Solar & Wind & other Renewable Energy Efficiency Storage of by for All that lifts all up to abundant positive outcomes ...obvious to one private self now or not...counted in privatized deadly cash or not..... then All and generations from now.

    The US President and US President have legally committed their private selves to protecting and nurturing positive potentials in all America....including others, including diverse lives and lands impossible to count in mechanical rates of cash of only one private bank account now.

    Protect and defend US from all "enemies foreign and domestic" crushing us and our children now.
